365 Crew enter the Dubstep from jamie Lawson on Vimeo.
Monday, 7 December 2009
Saturday, 5 December 2009
First snow hits Scotland
Cairngorm mountain is now open already with top to bottom riding and some powder turns to be had, lets hope this bodes well for the forthcoming season, check out www.winterhighland.com for more info.
Thursday, 3 December 2009
Latest Couple of Edits
Apologies for the delay in getting these posted, but have had a lot of University work on recently so its taken me a while to get round to it.
When the cat is away... from paul godsmark on Vimeo.
Death Lens Edit from paul godsmark on Vimeo.
Tuesday, 20 October 2009
Monday Edit
Filmed by us all, I edited what little footage we had together from our little ski expedition on Monday night. Enjoy
Cas Mondays HD from paul godsmark on Vimeo.
Sunday, 18 October 2009
Friday, 18 September 2009
Wednesday, 9 September 2009
Tuesday, 8 September 2009
Hold Up... Ski Resorts of Northern England... Whaaaat?
Yeah its true, and the slopes are not plastic or indoors, real snow (all be it sometimes muddy) outside in England not Scotland.
Whilst working in a ski shop last season one customer who I dealt with proudly boasted to live only 2 hours by car from Leeds and be within a 20 minute drive of what he termed to be a small ski resort. 'Milton Keynes?' I asked, 'Braehead?', but he shook his head on both counts, 'they're not ski resorts lad, they're snowdomes!'. I was slightly taken aback, believing that this individual was at best equipped with an overactive imagination and at worst severely delusional. Nevertheless, with nothing better to do that evening I decided to check out his claims on the internet, and lo and behold, I discovered that there are some real snow ski hills (I hesitate to use the word resorts) in the Lake District and Pennines.
Currently there are 5 operating ski centers, although it appears in the past there were several more. The three that appear to be worth visiting are Yad Moss and Swinhope Moor in the Pennines and Raise in the Lake District. There are no snow-making facilities so the slopes open as and when there is sufficient snow.
Equipped with this information, when the big snowstorms hit Britain in early February this year a few friends and I decided to skip work / university / bumming around for the day and head up to Yad Moss near Alston to see what this so called 'ski resort' was really like.

Driving up in the early hours towards the snow covered Pennines
The drive up was easy, and took around 2 hours. Climbing into the Pennines the snow got deeper, with some roadside drifts of up to 6ft. Yad Moss itself is situated just outside the village of Alston, which is reasonably near Penrith. It's somewhat hard to spot the ski tow from the road, and there are no parking facilities as such. Luckily we got there early and so avoided having to dig out a space and just nicked one someone had dug out the day before. The hike up to the start of the tow is about 200m up a fairly shallow incline, although there is a deep little gully off to the right hand side that catches loads of snow and is full of fun little drop offs and natural spines.

View from the bottom of the tow
The tow itself is and old pomma, which varys in length from 500m to a kilometer depending on which local you ask; in actuality it is 630m long. In times of limited snow cover there is one central run which holds snow well, thanks to ample snow fencing. In times of good snow there are 4-5 separate runs with various linking paths, but basically it's generally a case of ski where you want. The club received lottery funding a few years ago for a piste-basher and a new club hut, and whilst amenities are very sparse (bring your own food and water) compared to a European or even Scottish ski-hill, the members claim that their's are the best in England.

Top of the main tow
Lift-passes were £15 for a full day, with the tow running from approximately 10am to 4.30pm. When we were there this proved to be more than worth it, with a base of up to 1.5m across large parts of the slope, and even well worn areas of the established runs showing no signs of the heather and rock underneath. The morning was surprisingly quiet, especially considering the weather, with almost no queue for the lift. Yad moss doesn't exactly offer the most steep and challenging terrain around, but the runs do have lots of humps and rollers and generally when the sun is shining and the snow is good you couldn't care less what your riding for £15 a day.

Backflip off the new kicker, this one ended in tears, but later attempts were happily more successful
There is a slightly steeper top section off to the left of the top of the lift, and in the afternoon we selected this as a kicker building spot. At one point during the build the piste-basher came over the ridge making a b-line for us. Hearts in mouths we wondered whether our half-built kicker was about to be demolished, but instead the friendly volunteer driver hung his head out of the cab and asked if we needed anymore snow moved up for the jump. The session went well although the kicker was somewhat small, with mates throwing 3s and 5s on boards, whilst I represented for the skiers and stuck a few very tight backflips.

Joe Hunwick boosting a Method high over Yad
The slope is run entirely by a small army of extremely friendly and welcoming volunteers (& members), who both staff it when it opens, and maintain the lift, facilities and snow-fencing when there is no snow. These individuals are incredibly dedicated, and whilst there is the odd comic eccentric amongst them nobody can disagree that what they are doing is incredible.

The Crew (- the photographer) at the end of the day
We had an epic day, and will definitely be heading back up as soon as the snow hits next season. So next time it snows hard in England, especially if you live in the north, take the day off and head up to Yad Moss, you wont be disappointed.
For more info check the Yad Moss Website: http://www.yadmoss.co.uk/
Words by P. Godsmark,
Pictures, P. Godsmark & A McDow
Whilst working in a ski shop last season one customer who I dealt with proudly boasted to live only 2 hours by car from Leeds and be within a 20 minute drive of what he termed to be a small ski resort. 'Milton Keynes?' I asked, 'Braehead?', but he shook his head on both counts, 'they're not ski resorts lad, they're snowdomes!'. I was slightly taken aback, believing that this individual was at best equipped with an overactive imagination and at worst severely delusional. Nevertheless, with nothing better to do that evening I decided to check out his claims on the internet, and lo and behold, I discovered that there are some real snow ski hills (I hesitate to use the word resorts) in the Lake District and Pennines.
Currently there are 5 operating ski centers, although it appears in the past there were several more. The three that appear to be worth visiting are Yad Moss and Swinhope Moor in the Pennines and Raise in the Lake District. There are no snow-making facilities so the slopes open as and when there is sufficient snow.
Equipped with this information, when the big snowstorms hit Britain in early February this year a few friends and I decided to skip work / university / bumming around for the day and head up to Yad Moss near Alston to see what this so called 'ski resort' was really like.
Driving up in the early hours towards the snow covered Pennines
The drive up was easy, and took around 2 hours. Climbing into the Pennines the snow got deeper, with some roadside drifts of up to 6ft. Yad Moss itself is situated just outside the village of Alston, which is reasonably near Penrith. It's somewhat hard to spot the ski tow from the road, and there are no parking facilities as such. Luckily we got there early and so avoided having to dig out a space and just nicked one someone had dug out the day before. The hike up to the start of the tow is about 200m up a fairly shallow incline, although there is a deep little gully off to the right hand side that catches loads of snow and is full of fun little drop offs and natural spines.
View from the bottom of the tow
The tow itself is and old pomma, which varys in length from 500m to a kilometer depending on which local you ask; in actuality it is 630m long. In times of limited snow cover there is one central run which holds snow well, thanks to ample snow fencing. In times of good snow there are 4-5 separate runs with various linking paths, but basically it's generally a case of ski where you want. The club received lottery funding a few years ago for a piste-basher and a new club hut, and whilst amenities are very sparse (bring your own food and water) compared to a European or even Scottish ski-hill, the members claim that their's are the best in England.
Top of the main tow
Lift-passes were £15 for a full day, with the tow running from approximately 10am to 4.30pm. When we were there this proved to be more than worth it, with a base of up to 1.5m across large parts of the slope, and even well worn areas of the established runs showing no signs of the heather and rock underneath. The morning was surprisingly quiet, especially considering the weather, with almost no queue for the lift. Yad moss doesn't exactly offer the most steep and challenging terrain around, but the runs do have lots of humps and rollers and generally when the sun is shining and the snow is good you couldn't care less what your riding for £15 a day.
Backflip off the new kicker, this one ended in tears, but later attempts were happily more successful
There is a slightly steeper top section off to the left of the top of the lift, and in the afternoon we selected this as a kicker building spot. At one point during the build the piste-basher came over the ridge making a b-line for us. Hearts in mouths we wondered whether our half-built kicker was about to be demolished, but instead the friendly volunteer driver hung his head out of the cab and asked if we needed anymore snow moved up for the jump. The session went well although the kicker was somewhat small, with mates throwing 3s and 5s on boards, whilst I represented for the skiers and stuck a few very tight backflips.
Joe Hunwick boosting a Method high over Yad
The slope is run entirely by a small army of extremely friendly and welcoming volunteers (& members), who both staff it when it opens, and maintain the lift, facilities and snow-fencing when there is no snow. These individuals are incredibly dedicated, and whilst there is the odd comic eccentric amongst them nobody can disagree that what they are doing is incredible.
The Crew (- the photographer) at the end of the day
We had an epic day, and will definitely be heading back up as soon as the snow hits next season. So next time it snows hard in England, especially if you live in the north, take the day off and head up to Yad Moss, you wont be disappointed.
For more info check the Yad Moss Website: http://www.yadmoss.co.uk/
Words by P. Godsmark,
Pictures, P. Godsmark & A McDow
Monday, 7 September 2009
Friday Night at Cas
Another fine little edit from J. Lawson. check it
Friday Night at Cas Vegas from jamie Lawson on Vimeo.
Monday, 24 August 2009
Saturday, 11 July 2009
UK Represent
Julian ball looks like the one to watch on the UK ski scene at the moment, and having witnessed his skiing in some uni comps last year i can state that this guy absolutely kills it. Check his 08-09 edit
Courtesy of Newschoolers.com
Wednesday, 8 July 2009
The blog has been somewhat neglected so it's deffo time, now I have a job and so spend all my time sat at a computer all day, to get this back up and running. Check out this vid of cas ripper Katie Summerhays (courtesey of J. Lawson)
Katie Summerhayes from jamie Lawson on Vimeo.
Saturday, 9 May 2009
365crew roughcut intro
messing around with some old stock footage, whipped this together in about 2 mins and it tells, but gives some ideas of how edits could have a different flavor to them. enjoy, g
Monday, 4 May 2009
SnoZone Summer of Love
And so the summer of freestyle begins, don't think there is too much set up this week, but keep your eyes skinned, as a few worthwhile features are bound to be left in. Also Burial and Fourtet just collaborated on an amazing track... check it out
Saturday, 25 April 2009
TAMWORTH 15th Birthday Bash
Tuesday, 21 April 2009
Nick Coates, International Man of Mystery
Some of you may remember Naked Nick Coates, who disappeared around a year ago to seek out sunshine and women in the fair land of Italy. Well, word on the street is that he is back soon and still shredding strong. Here is an old edit of Nick from nearly 3 years ago, he was sick back then, cant wait to see what he is like now.
Video from the British Universities Indoor Championships
Last month a few 365 riders competed in the British Uni Indoor Championships, held at cas. Due to the selective filming of the unknown camera-man/woman there is only footage of the Riders from Leeds Uni. The four shots shown are as follows:
1) The heaviest and scariest fall of my life
2) Sean Tumelty nearly landing a Rodeo 7. He got his first one ever in this comp, sadly not on film.
3) The Ginger Flip i threw in my second run, whilst still concussed from that first fall, notice the wobbly skiing away from the landing.
4) Kirsty Howe's first ever back flip in the U.K. landing her a solid 3rd place in her first ever competition.
1) The heaviest and scariest fall of my life
2) Sean Tumelty nearly landing a Rodeo 7. He got his first one ever in this comp, sadly not on film.
3) The Ginger Flip i threw in my second run, whilst still concussed from that first fall, notice the wobbly skiing away from the landing.
4) Kirsty Howe's first ever back flip in the U.K. landing her a solid 3rd place in her first ever competition.
Old Video Edit
Easy now you lot, have been busy not doing my uni work and instead uploading and editing some of the footage we have got... No edit yet, but just to wet your appetite here is a little edit I did last year, using some truly terrible footage shot by one of my mates girlfriends. Rest assured the cas stuff is going to be much much sicker. Peace,
Saturday, 18 April 2009
Danny Roockley, Trials + Tribulations of Learning Handplants
YO! Its, J to the lizzzle, i caught these cheeky shots of the main man Danny Rookley going for some hand plants the other night on the gas pipe and set it off to Ratatat's remix of biggie smalls
Danny at cas from jamie Lawson on Vimeo.
Danny at cas from jamie Lawson on Vimeo.
Thursday, 16 April 2009
Camera's First Outing to Cas.
With many features still left in from sno!storm it was bound to be a good night. See for yourselves:

Mike Wakefield... probably falling over...

Tom Walker, 3ciddy

Dom Harrington, shielding his eyes from the flash

Monkey, marking his territory


Danny Roockley


Dropping in


Unknown hero

Matt Clarke

Peter Winterbottom, 180 mute

Chris 'Stevie-Wonder' Smith

Jamie Lawson, tailpress

Mike Wakefield, 180
Mike Wakefield... probably falling over...
Tom Walker, 3ciddy
Dom Harrington, shielding his eyes from the flash
Monkey, marking his territory
Danny Roockley
Dropping in
Unknown hero
Matt Clarke
Peter Winterbottom, 180 mute
Chris 'Stevie-Wonder' Smith
Jamie Lawson, tailpress
Mike Wakefield, 180
Kirsty Howe Kills it at British Universities Championships in Alp d'Huez
Kirsty Howe, a local and University of Leeds rider, recently took gold in both the slopestyle and big air events at the British Uni Champs in Alp D'Huez. Reportedly Kirsty tried a backflip in the Big Air finals off a big old booter and nearly did a double by accident. Fortunately she survived to win a new set of Liberty Skis. Congrats to Kirsty, for more info / pictures and video check out www.buscevents.com

Wednesday, 15 April 2009
365 Crew
... so here it is, an idea that has been in the pipeline for a while, basically for a site for all the local riders at Cas, where they can keep updated on whats going on and read about / watch / post pictures, videos and articles relating to riding, whether it be their own or someone else's, whether at Cas, or in the big bad world beyond. If you want to get involved drop an email to 365casvegascrew@googlemail.com saying how you wish to contribute, you can also send any photos you want put up, or any articles you have written. Watch this space for some written, photo and video updates ....
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